Soulful Awakening: Foundations of Emotional Harmony

Rediscover Your Inner Peace and Emotional Harmony

"Emotional harmony is not just a state of mind;

it is the foundation upon which a joyful, soulful life is built."

Dr. Margit

Do you feel a deep inner emptiness, disconnected from your true self, and lost in your own feelings and emotions?

Are you an empty nester in a life-changing transitions phase?

Are you ready to transform your life and rediscover your soulful essence during this life-changing transition?

Unlock a Life of Peace and Purpose

Imagine waking up each day with a heart unburdened by past traumas and emotional pain, feeling a profound sense of inner peace and purpose. For too long, you've given so much to others, leaving little for yourself. Now, it's your time to heal, to embrace a new chapter filled with self-love and soulful connection.

If you're over 50 and yearning for deeper emotional healing and spiritual renewal, this is YOUR moment.

Discover how to transform your inner chaos into lasting serenity with Soulful Awakening.

Soulful Awakening promises to guide you in achieving and maintaining a deep sense of inner peace and soul connection, transforming emotional turmoil into a powerful ally on your path to happiness and fulfillment.

The Soulful Awakening course helps you:

  • Welcome and understand your emotions, transforming them into sources of strength and empowerment.

  • Heal from past emotional challenges and traumas, freeing yourself from the burden of old wounds so you can move forward with clarity and purpose.

  • Develop profound inner peace and soul connection, mastering techniques to maintain resilience and calm through life's challenges

Have You Had Your Wake-Up Call?

You’ve given your all to others—your family, your career—yet now, in this new chapter of life, you find yourself lost, disconnected from your inner peace and true self. The emotional scars of past traumas and unresolved feelings seem to grow heavier with each passing day.

You've tried various self-help techniques, hoping for relief, but nothing touches the soul-deep ache within. You long for a transformation that goes beyond surface-level fixes, something that nurtures your spirit and heals your emotional wounds at their core.

Imagine waking up each day with a soul that feels light and free, filled with inner peace and emotional harmony. Picture yourself embracing new opportunities with a heart overflowing with self-love and confidence. Envision a life where you are deeply connected to your true self, living with purpose and joy, free from the burdens that have held you back.

Now, it's your time to heal.

Here's the solution

  • The Soulful Awakening is a 4-week online course

  • In just four weeks, you'll discover how to achieve lasting emotional harmony and inner peace.

  • It's time to start living a life filled with balance, serenity, and soulful contentment!

About me

Hi, I'm Dr. Margit!

10 years ago, I didn’t have inner peace myself.

From the tender age of eight, my world was rocked by my mother's diagnosis of schizophrenia. Amidst the turbulence, my beloved pets—a gentle rabbit and a perceptive 50 kg cross-bred dog—became my solace. 

Compelled by a desire to help my mother and others, I initially pursued human medicine. Yet, my enduring love for animals steered me towards veterinary medicine, a decision that shocked my family but set me on a fulfilling career path. This shift was the first step in aligning my professional life with my core passions, paving the way for profound personal and professional growth.

A surprising turn in my career took me to the Abu Dhabi Falcon Hospital in 2001, where I was offered a position I hadn’t applied for. Accepting this role, I ventured into the male-dominated world of falconry. My experiences coping with my mother's illness gave me the resilience needed to thrive and eventually become known as the "Falcon Whisperer," transforming the facility into the world's largest falcon hospital.

However, my empathetic nature drew individuals to me with their emotional struggles. 

There was just a little problem - I hadn't healed myself yet and was in constant inner emotional turmoil!

A pivotal encounter with Dr. Wayne Dyer, who recognized my profound intuition and capacity for love and healing, inspired me to expand my horizons further. His words, "You are the love," motivated me to embrace life coaching, where I could offer deeper emotional and spiritual support.

Specializing in trauma healing, I delved deeply into mental health coaching, Neuro-Linguistic Programming (NLP), and became a ICF certified Professional Coach, Master Life Coach, Mindfulness Practitioner, and Meditation Teacher. This journey helped me heal myself and revealed my true calling: guiding others through their emotional landscapes to discover, heal, and transform their lives.

My life's work today is to facilitate healing and inner peace for those facing emotional challenges, drawing from my personal experiences and extensive training. My journey into past life and life between lives regression, as well as hypnotherapy, has profoundly deepened my understanding of soul alignment and emotional healing. A pivotal moment in my life was when I read about “Life between lives,” by Dr. Michael Newton which resonated deeply with me. It felt like a déjà vu moment, mirroring the exact experience my father described during my sister’s passing and her soul's departure—an experience profoundly felt by a man as realistic as my father.

By integrating my clinical knowledge with my intuitive understanding and personal experience of emotional pain, I help people navigate their healing journeys, uncovering and addressing deep-seated emotional burdens and wounds. 

My mission is to empower you to find your path to lasting emotional harmony, inner peace, and soulful fulfillment.

The Soulful Awakening course saves you time and emotional energy.

You'll confidently navigate your journey to emotional harmony and sidestep the common pitfalls that many encounter in their personal growth.

Embrace a balanced and fulfilling life as you master the art of maintaining inner peace, resilience, and a deep soul connection.

What’s Inside

Soulful Awakening:

Foundations of Emotional Harmony?

The Soulful Awakening is a clear and actionable 4-week online course. After completing the four modules, you'll understand and practice the steps needed to maintain lasting emotional harmony and inner peace.

Soulful Awakening helps you identify the sources of your emotional imbalance and provides strategies for achieving inner calm. You'll learn not only how to cultivate a deep sense of serenity but also how to sustain it throughout your life.

Each lesson and exercise are designed to build upon the previous one, guiding you from your current state to a future where you live with greater tranquility, emotional resilience, and a profound soul connection.

Module 1
Foundations of


Inner Peace

  • Discover the foundations of emotional harmony through this focused module that guides you from understanding your emotions to building resilience. 

  • You'll learn the importance of inner peace and its impact on overall well-being. Explore emotions, feelings, and sensations through guided exercises, and master mindfulness techniques to achieve and maintain inner peace. 

  • This module will help you connect deeply with your soul and understand the essence of your emotional landscape.

Module 2
Transforming Emotional Obstacles into Soulful Strength

  • Explore overcoming emotional obstacles in this enlightening module designed to transform your challenges into strengths. 

  • You'll identify trauma and emotional obstacles, understand their impact, and learn techniques for acknowledging and addressing these challenges. Delve into limiting beliefs, understand their origins, and practice exercises to reframe them. Say goodbye to past pain with guided meditations for emotional healing. 

  • This module allows your soul to release old burdens and embrace newfound freedom.

Module 3
Nurturing Self-Compassion and Soulful Love

  • Embark on cultivating self-compassion and love with this enriching module that nurtures your inner kindness. 

  • Learn the importance of self-compassion and the RAIN technique (Recognize, Allow, Investigate, Nurture). Practice forgiveness through guided meditations and understand the concept of forgetting in emotional healing. Establish a self-care routine that supports and sustains your well-being. 

  • This module fosters a loving and compassionate relationship with yourself and your soul.

Module 4
Pathways to

Soulful Emotional Liberation

  • Journey through pathways to emotional liberation in this transformative module that charts a course toward profound personal freedom. 

  • Set the stage for emotional liberation with practical steps for emotional freedom. Understand and establish healthy boundaries to maintain emotional health, and explore personal values and goals. Create a life filled with meaning and purpose, crafting a vision for your future self that aligns with your soul's deepest desires. 

  • This module empowers yourself to live authentically, liberating your emotional world, and thriving in harmony with your soul.

This is a life-changing course, not my words, but the words from the participants. If you’re ready to change your life, then the Soulful Awakening will help you get started.


"It's life-changing for me. The course helped me become a better version of myself." — Maribel Broso

"If you want to understand yourself deeply and learn strategies to cope with emotions, I recommend this Course." — Liz Mowatt

"I've developed inner peace, which is crucial for overcoming past trauma." — Maribel Broso

"The course taught me the importance of mindfulness, self-compassion, self-care, and self-acceptance." — Maribel Broso

What’s the investment for the Soulful Awakening:

  • Your commitment to do the exercises as they are laid out

  • Your time now so that you can have more emotional harmony and soulful peace later

  • Your financial investment is

Now for only $197!

How does Soulful Awakening work?

The Soulful Awakening is a 4-week online course. When you sign up you get immediate access to all modules and can start taking action at your own convenience. Each module is made up of an instructional video with several lessons and relevant downloadable worksheets.

What you will get ...

  • Self-Paced Learning: Progress through the transformative content at your own pace with this self-study online format.

  • Comprehensive Curriculum: Explore four transformative modules covering essential aspects of emotional healing and soulful connection.

  • Engaging Lessons: Enjoy interactive lessons with instructional videos and guided meditations or visualizations to support your transformative journey.

  • Module Materials: Access supplementary resources, including downloadable PDF worksheets and practical exercises for each module.

  • Independent Learning: This self-study format empowers you to take control of your healing journey, providing all the tools you need to succeed.

  • Continuous Support: Receive email support throughout your healing journey.

  • Extended Access: Enjoy 12-month access to the course.

Let's dive into the essence of true transformation! Have you ever felt like you've tried everything to find inner peace but still feel lost? Get ready for a breakthrough. Here's why our course stands apart from anything you've encountered before.

"I've spent so much on self-help books and therapies, but none have delivered the deep healing I crave." We've heard this countless times! But prepare for a major shift. Our course isn't about empty promises; it's about genuine, lasting change. With our proven techniques, you'll experience emotional and spiritual renewal like never before.

"I'm wary of spending more money on something that might not meet my unique emotional and spiritual needs." We understand; investing in yourself can be daunting. But here's the difference: our course is transformative. We have the tools, expertise, and results to prove it. Get ready to witness profound healing.

"I'm doubtful that any course can truly address my deep emotional wounds, especially after so many failed attempts." Doubt is natural, especially after many disappointments. But our course goes beyond surface-level solutions. It's a holistic journey designed to help you heal deeply and completely.

"I'm reluctant to invest in a course that might not align with my soulful values or resonate with my spiritual path." Staying true to your values is essential, especially in your healing journey. That's why our course emphasizes authenticity and soul connection. We'll guide you in a way that deeply resonates with your inner self. Get ready to discover a brighter, more fulfilled you!

A Decade Ago, I Was Far from Experiencing Emotional Harmony and Soulful Peace

Imagine this

I always knew I wanted a life filled with peace and harmony, but I didn't know how to achieve it until I embraced the practices of inner peace and healing. Through my coaching education and a series of transformative exercises — similar to those offered in the Soulful Awakening course—I discovered not just techniques to calm my mind, but a whole new way of living that was aligned with my deepest values.

Now, my life is profoundly different. I live each day more mindfully, appreciating the present moment whether I'm at home or traveling. This newfound peace has allowed me to build stronger, healthier relationships with those around me. My family and friends notice the change; they see a more grounded, content, and genuinely happy person. This shift has not only enriched my personal life but also enhanced my professional endeavors, enabling me to connect with clients and colleagues on a deeper level.

Within the first year of embracing these principles of inner peace and healing, I witnessed transformative changes in both my mental and emotional well-being and in my professional life. My career thrived as I started to work with renewed purpose and joy, drawing opportunities and success toward me.

Now, I successfully manage my time between personal growth and professional responsibilities, achieving a balanced lifestyle that once felt beyond reach. The techniques I've mastered and now share have been crucial in transforming my previously traumatized life into a path of ongoing personal growth and fulfillment.

This vision of a balanced, harmonious life, where your soul and heart are aligned, isn't just possible for me—it's possible for you, too.

What’s in for you from the Soulful Awakening?

When you show up and invest in yourself by doing each exercise as instructed, you can expect one or more of the following to happen:

  • You’ll achieve lasting emotional harmony and soulful peace.

  • You’ll transform your relationship with your emotions, making them powerful allies.

  • You'll break free from cycles of overthinking and feeling stuck, embracing a state of flow.

  • You’ll develop resilience against future stresses, maintaining a balanced and composed demeanor.

  • You'll learn strategies to maintain inner peace and emotional harmony that enhance both your personal and professional life.

  • You'll gain the tools and knowledge needed to turn your newfound inner peace into lasting emotional resilience and success.

  • You'll reconnect with your inner calm and rediscover what truly brings you joy and contentment.

  • You'll develop a clear vision for your future, grounded in a sense of deep personal fulfillment, living authentically and joyfully.

Still got questions?

Who is the Soulful Awakening for?

The Soulful Awakening program is ideal for anyone feeling overwhelmed, stressed, or disconnected from their true self. If you are experiencing deep inner emptiness, grief, or going through a life-changing transition, this course is designed for you. Whether you're grappling with past traumas or seeking a deeper understanding of yourself and a harmonious life, this program provides essential tools and insights. Perfect for those who want to transform life's complexities into opportunities for soulful peace, joy, and fulfillment, this course is your pathway to a serene and joyful existence. It helps you embrace your true self, align your heart and soul, and move beyond past worries.

Who is the Soulful Awakening not for?

The Soulful Awakening program is not suitable for those seeking quick fixes or immediate solutions to complex psychological issues. It is not intended for individuals who are not ready to commit deeply to transformative work, engage thoroughly with course materials, change their thought patterns and behaviors, or those who do not believe in the importance of soul alignment. This program demands a commitment to self-exploration and consistent practice, making it ideal for those who are genuinely open to and prepared for substantial personal growth.

What’s included in the Soulful Awakening?

The Soulful Awakening is a 4-week online course with four modules. You gain access to a membership site that hosts the entire course. Each module features video lessons covering various aspects of emotional well-being, from understanding your emotional landscape to practical techniques for maintaining inner peace and soulful alignment. Downloadable materials complement the video lessons, helping you deepen your understanding and practice of the techniques discussed.

How long do I have access to the Soulful Awakening?

You get 365 days access to the Soulful Awakening course, so you can repeat the course as often as you like within these 365 days.

What’s the price?

The investment for the Soulful Awakening is only $197, for a course that changes your life, plus saves you time and money.

Is there a payment plan available?

No, there is no payment plan available. This is to ensure that you are fully committed to the course and implement all the assignments as instructed.

What’s your refund policy?

Due to the digital nature of the course and the commitment required to embark on this transformative journey, there are no refunds. This is to ensure that you are fully committed to the course and implement all the assignments as instructed. We believe in the effectiveness of our program and require full commitment from participants.

How much time do I need to invest into the Soulful Awakening?

Everyone does the Soulful Awakening at their own pace and some people are faster with the assignments and others are slower. If you want to finish the Soulful Awakening in 4 weeks, then I recommend you invest about 30 minutes a day/5 days a week while you are doing the Soulful Awakening or you work on the course on the weekend for about 2-3 hours each week. If you don’t have time to invest now you can take your time and do the course at your own pace whenever and wherever you want. You have 365 days access to the course.

What if I have a question that is not answered here?

You can email Team Dr. Margit at [email protected] and we’ll get back to you as fast as we can.

If you’ve read this far, then I know you’re ready.

You're ready to transform your life, to turn emotional challenges into steppingstones for growth.

You are ready to transform emotional turmoil into harmony and align your soul with your heart. 

You are ready to turn emotional challenges into steppingstones for growth. 

You are ready to cultivate deep inner peace and soulful fulfillment. You are ready for the Soulful Awakening. 

Sign up today and start your journey to a calmer, more fulfilling life.

Disclaimer: Even though we call our course "Soulful Awakening: Foundations of Emotional Harmony" we cannot guarantee that our students will create emotional harmony. It takes effort to work through the modules and exercises we teach and therefore we cannot promise certain results within the duration of the course. Results will vary depending on the effort each student puts into the course. This course is also not intended to give medical advice or treat medical or psychological problems. And please note, that the emotional harmony you build needs to be maintained, tweaked and optimized after you build it, just like you need to maintain a house. That’s when you’ll keep on having a beautiful house that gives you joy every day.